Issue Position: On the Issues

Issue Position

During his time in the Illinois House, Rep. Unes:

Sponsored and Co-Sponsored legislation allowing Concealed Carry in Illinois (HB 112 and HB 148)
Co-Sponsored legislation transferring Wildlife Prairie Park to local control (HB 1292)
Sponsored and passed landmark Copper Theft Prevention legislation, creating a framework to address this problem for not only Illinois, but also other states across the country (HB 3825)
Co-Sponsored and supported a number of bills to improve the climate for employers in Illinois including:
Repealing the State's Personal and Corporate Income Tax Increases (HB 175)
Extension of the State's Enterprise Zones (HB 208, HB 1442, HB 3811)
Extending the Net Operating Loss Deduction for Employers (HB 243, HB 1897, HB 4038)
Repealing the State's Estate Tax, which would help save family farms in Illinois (HB 1107)
Making permanent the State's Research and Development Tax Credit, as it is in Illinois' surrounding states (HB 3570)
Legislation providing real reform of Illinois' broken Worker's Compensation System (HB 3790)
Legislation reducing the filing fees for Limited Liability Corporations (SB 2084)

Co-Sponsored and supported a number of fiscal reform bills including:
Legislation to give state elected officials a 10 percent Paycut (HB 110)
Sponsoring and passing a bill requiring lawmakers to cut an equal amount for every new program instituted (Pay-Go Budgeting- HB 111)
Sponsoring and passing a bill to curtail pay raises in the Governor's Office (HB 3611)
Combining the State Comptroller & Treasurer's Office (SJRCA 13, HJRCA 01)
Studying putting Photo ID on Link Cards (HB 161)
Sponsoring a bill to require Asset Testing for Public Assistance (HB 5611)
Sponsoring legislation to reduce workers compensation costs through allowing SWAT and Tactical Response Teams to utilize Firearms Sound Suppressors (HB 1708)
Requiring Income Verification for Medicaid (HB 5641)
